“In my own hands I hold a bowl of tea; I see all of nature represented in its green color. Closing my eyes I find green mountains and pure water within my own heart. Silently, sitting alone, drinking tea, I feel these become part of me.”

Excerpt from an essay by Hounsai, 15th grandmaster of Urasenke.


This picture shows carefully grown and processed tea leaves on top of the mill, which are being ground to make matcha. Photo by Tsunehiro Kobayashi.


Alabama's state flower is the camellia. Tea plants belong to the camellia family, called camellia synensis.


“Sharing this bowl of tea with others, they, too, become one
with it and nature. That we can find a lasting tranquility
in our own selves in the company with each other
is the paradox that is the Way of Tea.”

Excerpt from an essay by Hounsai, 15th grandmaster of Urasenke.