Toshinan is a teahouse designed and built by Kazunori Tago of Maebashi, Japan, an eighth generation Miyadaiku (temple and shrine builder). Toshinan is an example of 16th century sukiya style architecture, made completely from materials brought from Japan and built using only traditional tools and techniques.




Heart and Mind


Hut or Retreat


The name 燈心庵 (Toshinan) is carved on a wooden plaque, which is placed under the gable. The sound Toshin makes a homonym to 灯芯, a wick of a lantern. Together the kanji script conveys the sincere sentiment that those who gather in this hut are able to light the wick of understanding in each other's hearts.


Toshinan is located in the Japanese Gardens at the Birmingham Botanical Gardens.


We feel extremely fortunate to have such a rare cultural asset in Birmingham. As the sole chado group in Birmingham, we occasionally serve tea for visitors to the Japanese Gardens, including during Cherry Blossom Festival, usually held in March.